Mandatory Work Place Safety Training
Workplace Safety isn't just a couple of idle, empty, words. It's the LAW! Ever heard of OSHA? If you haven't, you've been living under a rock in the forest somewhere!
Every company is required to post the "OSHA Labor Law Poster" in a "prominent" location in the facility. In fact, if you read the "fine print", it's best to cover your .... by purchasing multiple copies of the poster and displaying them in numerous locations throughout the facility. And don't forget the office! These posters state the general requirements of worker safety, but they also contain Federal and State Minimum Wage Values. And there are numerous third party vendors from whom these posters are available. The posters are totally laminated and large enough for anyone to read. It's a great... "General Information Poster". But there are additional requirements, as well as "valuable" information that needs to be shared with all employees.
So to keep things "on track", A.R.&E. formed a Safety Committee to assess our facility on a "continuing basis". The committee is made up of supervisors and technicians who work the floor every day. It's their job to watch for and note any safety concerns, and bring them to the attention of management in an appropriate timeframe. Management and the committee discuss the needs and the appropriate action to be taken to correct the issue.
A monthly Workplace Safety meeting is held with all employees. This meeting is MANDATORY and each employee is required to "sign" an attendance form which is maintained in the administrative office. At this meeting, the safety committee can discuss any changes that have been made, or that need to be changed, for the benefit of all. This meeting is attended on a "regular" basis by a "Risk Assessment Manager" of the company's business insurance carrier. A Risk Assessment agent's primary goal at the insurance company is to "lower" the risk and decrease any liability of the insurance company AND Apparatus Repair & Engineering, Inc. The benefits available from our Risk Assessment Manager have been phenomenal. They have been able to supply our employees with numerous white papers on topics specific to our type of work, and give seminars on those topics.