Usable Forms for Clients

First Quality ~ First Time

Apparatus Repair & Engineering, Inc.

A.R.&E. is the Premier Electric Motor Sales, Service, and Repair facility in the quad-state region of Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. This business began in 1927, and we are proud to continue the efforts of the founding partners who have served the local Commercial and Industrial markets over these many years.

Open for Business

A.R.&E is Open For Business! Monday through Friday, 8:00AM until 5:00PM, and 24/7 for emergencies. Call us at (301) 739-8285

Open for Business

A.R.&E is Open For Business! Monday through Friday, 8:00AM until 5:00PM, and 24/7 for emergencies. Call us at (301) 739-8285

NEW Location

We're OPEN for business but at a DIFFERENT location. Come to 17500 York Road, Hagerstown, MD 21740 (the Halfway Area) for the same excellent service you've been used to receiving.

Did I Mention We're Open?

Apparatus Repair & Engineering is Open for Business... 8 to 5, Monday through Friday and 'round the clock service for emergencies. (301) 739-8285 gets you all the help you need.

Coronavirus - Covid-19

What the virus looks like under atomic magnification. (Photo courtesy

Turning the Corner in Asia

Looks like China and South Korea have turned the corner on NEW cases of the virus. That's what Social Distancing will do for us, too. Let's all get with the program.

Latest Worldwide Stats

This chart is the top 10, of 204, countries listed in the world by ranking of total infections. You can click this slide photo to be taken to the full list on the web. While it's not appealing to be #1 on this list, other columns show that our stats are certainly not as bad as some, when you consider our population compared to others.

Did You Hear? We're Open For Business!

Social distancing and use of hand sanitizer is key to protection. (Photo courtesy / Amanda Mills

Social Distancing

This is not some "pie in the sky" theory! This really works! Look at the results in China and South Korea. But EVERYONE has to participate. Beach goers bring the virus BACK to the folks that are fighting in the trenches and ruin everything we're trying to do. Get with the program, folks!

Social Distancing

This is not some "pie in the sky" theory! This really works! Look at the results in China and South Korea. But EVERYONE has to participate. Beach goers bring the virus BACK to the folks that are fighting in the trenches and ruin everything we're trying to do. Get with the program, folks!

There's Hope!

We're in this together isn't just a slogan... it's a fact! We'll get through it but we've all got to do our part. Have Faith, and remember that "We're in this Together".

Business Credit

Open for Business

A.R.&E is Open For Business! Monday through Friday, 8:00AM until 5:00PM, and 24/7 for emergencies. Call us at (301) 739-8285

themed object
First Quality ~ First Time
get in touch

General Forms Information

What's This About?

This page has been created to house the various forms that our customers and prospective employees may need to fill out to become part of the A.R.E. Family. These forms are "required", in one way or another, in order to "Establish a Credit Account" with A.R.&E., or possibly apply for a position within our company, for example. In other cases, some of the forms are "General" in nature and are required by the Federal Government (or State) for payroll purposes like claiming dependents for withholding amounts, and other purposes.

Available Forms

A.R.&E. Forms

Government Forms

Fillable Forms

Most, if not all, of the forms are "fillable" forms. That means that you can fill them out "on-line", and in many cases click a button on the form to submit it directly to our corporate offices, immediately. In the case of the fillable form, you can fill it out on line, then PRINT it (using a button on the form), or use the Print function of the browser you're using, and mail it to us or bring it to the office for a discussion with the proper department head.

How Do I Open These Forms?

These forms are all designed using Adobe Acrobat© (in PDF format) and we HIGHLY recommend that you use the latest version of Adobe Reader DC© to open and manipulate the data required. In fact, there are some cases where a PDF form will NOT open properly using other PDF readers. You can download a FREE copy of the program by clicking the following link, and we recommend doing so.
Adobe Reader DC Download

Don't Want To (or can't) Fill It Out On-Line?

In ALL cases, any of the forms can be printed from this page. Simply click on the form name and allow the form to open. Then click the "File" option on the upper left of your screen, slide your cursor down to PRINT, and left click. The form should print on your default printer. You can then, "manually" fill out the appropriate fields, and either mail the form or personally deliver it to our York Road facility. We want to make the task of filling out any of our required forms as easy and painless as possible. And if you have problems or a question, simply call our office, and someone will be happy to discuss the issue with you.

Possible Issues

It has been found that some browsers don't play well with PDF files and the developers of today's browsers have their own version of a PDF reader built within their working code. In these cases, it "might" be necessary to modify a setting within the browser you're using to accommodate that situation, or they may be the times when you'll find it easier to simply print the form, and fill it out manually. If you have an issue, we may be able to assist you in changing your particular browser settings to make things work.