Read Me First!
Read Me First!
Welcome to our A.R.&E. website. We'd like to point out a couple simple items that we hope will make your web surfing a little more comfortable.
Although the site can be viewed at ANY screen resolution, we'd suggest that you change your monitor to at least a 600 x 800 resolution, and 1280 x 1024 will be even better. In today's world, you can probably leave your monitor at it's maximum native resolution and you'll be in excellent shape. Using these higher resolutions will allow ALL of the pages to be viewed without horizontal scrolling. In addition, it will also minimize vertical scrolling.
Some items will require the use of a more "up-to-date" browser. The links below will take you to the respective websites for possible download or update of these browsers. We do not guarantee compatibility with all browsers, but we have sampled the website on all of the following browsers with maximum success.
Select Your New Browser

Click on one of the links below
download their latest browser.
Update Adobe Reader
In addition, you may want to make certain you're up to date on your Adobe Reader version. Click on this link, answer the questions, download the software,
and install to update to the latest version of
Adobe Reader DC.